External link: https://bnmi.eu/bnmi-job-shadowing/

Type: Open call

Bridging Nordic Microscopy Infrastructure (BNMI) has a program to support the mobility for Core Facility staff called BNMI Job shadowing.

BNMI Job shadowing is a program where a Nordic imaging core facility will host facility staff member coming from another Nordic partner imaging facility to share with him/her experience and knowledge on a certain type of work related to the facility itself: technical of managerial. This is accomplished by providing the guest with an experienced local staff who accompanies him/her while performing the job. This allows facilities to establish or strengthen collaboration and to learn from each other on how to improve their efficiency in various aspects of their work functionality.

The job shadowing can cover one or more of the following aspects related to management of imaging facilities:

  • Aspects related to user access and open access provision (access modalities and procedures, offered services, management of ethical issues, practical issues, user access costs etc).
  • Quality management and quality control (instruments maintenance and upgrades, costs, quality assessment).
  • Image data management: processing, analysis, storage and management (general procedures, users’ data storage and management).
  • Facility general organization and management.
  • Advanced technologies (hands-on training will be possible)

Funding, Execution and Duration:

Job shadowing can have a duration of between 2 to 10 days. The financial support granted by a Job shadowing is a contribution to the costs of the project/visit and may not necessarily cover all the costs.

The following funding conditions apply and must be respected: A Job shadowing grant usually covers travel and accommodation and is paid in the form of a Grant. In general, grants will represent a maximum contribution of about 8 500 NOK from BNMI to the applicant. Please, note that the Job shadowing grant will be paid to the successful applicants on completion of the Job shadowing and after evaluation of the final report.

Check out the link on top for more details