Network highlights

  • Next Danish Bioimaging network meeting is planned for November 2018, more information will follow 
  • Lecture of Dr. Teng-Leong Chew (Director of Advanced Imaging Center at Janelia, Howard Hughes Medical Institute, Virginia, USA) on the emerging microscopy technologies and on the program to support scientists coming to Janelia to perform their work on Janelia instruments.

March 12, 2018 at 11am at KU, Panum Institute, auditorium Nielsine. Please register here: Google form

March 13, 2018 at 1pm at SDU, Odense, BMB seminar room. Please register here: Google form

Title: Imaging life with the new frontiers in spatial and temporal resolution

Abstract: Visualizing and understanding complex biological processes demands the integrated efforts of biologists and physicists. The mission of the Advanced Imaging Center (AIC) is to make cutting-edge imaging technologies developed at Janelia widely accessible, and at no cost, to scientists outside of Janelia, before the instruments are commercially available. Operating strategically at the interface of engineering and biological applications, the AIC is positioned to drastically reduce the time between instrument development and widespread use in the increasingly technology-intensive field of biology. The AIC will expand the number and diversity of biologists who have access to the unique, state-of-the-art optical imaging microscopes developed at Janelia years before they become commercially available. This unique imaging center is thus uniquely positioned to empower investigators with tools currently not widely available elsewhere. In alignment with Janelia’s philosophy of encouraging bold and risky science, the AIC welcomes proposals with high-risk-high-gain projects that may challenge the current paradigm. In fact, it serves as an ideal platform for researchers to test out their novel ideas with the emerging microscopy technologies, fully supported by Janelia’s in-house imaging experts and research infrastructure.

  • First Cross Institutional PhD Bioimaging course is planned for Spring semester 2018. It is a unique possibility for PhD students to create network in Bioimaging. Still 2 places available.
  • Scandem 2018, the 69th Annual Conference of the Nordic Microscopy Society: Danish Bioimaging Network organizes 2 sessions: focused on single cells and multicellular models, DTU, Kg. Lyngby, DENMARK, June 25-28, 2018. (abstract submission deadline is 30.03.2018)
  • New Network coordinator Vita Solovyeva vita(at)

Workgroup news

  • WORK GROUP 4 – Light Microscopy
    The Light Microscopy workgroup is starting its activities. As a first project, we are gathering a list your favorite resources in light microscopy, fluorescence, sample preparation Participate here!


Conferences and workshops

Job opening (New section on the DBI webpage)

Work groups contact information

WG1: Image Analysis tools and data management
Sune Darkner, DIKU – darkner(at)
WG2: Pre-clinical imaging
Eastern Denmark: Henrik El Ali, KU –  helali(at)
Western Denmark:  Michael Pedersen, AU –  michael(at)
WG3: Electron Microscopy
Casper Hempel, DTU, Nanotech –  casperhempel(at)
Alexander Shulz, KU-SCIENCE – als(at)
WG4: Light Microscopy
Aarhus/Aalborg – Morten Nielsen, AU – mn(at)
Odense – Jonathan Brewer, SDU –  brewer(at)

WG5: Correlation and connectivity

Contact pending (please come forward if you would like to lead the group!)

WG6: Training and knowledge exchange

Jutta Maria Bulkescher, SUND-KU – jutta.bulkescher(at)


DBI coordinator: Vita Solovyeva vita(at)