Danish BioImaging Newsletter – March 2018

Network News

Lectures of Dr. Teng Leong Chew (Janelia Research Campus) organized by Danish Bioimaging Network in Copenhagen (KU) and in Odense (SDU) went with a big success. Follow  Janelia webpage for open calls if you want to visit Advanced Imaging Center and  work there on your project.

We are gathering a list of your favorite resources in light microscopy, fluorescence and sample preparation Participate here!


Danish Bioimaging network meeting 2018: save the date 02.10.2018, SDU Odense. Registration information will follow. Keynote speaker: Jennifer Lippincott-Schwartz, National Institute of Child Health and Human Development.

Confirmed Speakers: Jonas Ries, EMBL, Heidelberg.             


Danish BioImaging Newsletter – February 2018

Network highlights

March 12, 2018 at 11am at KU, Panum Institute, auditorium Nielsine and March 13, 2018 at 1pm at SDU, Odense, BMB seminar room. Please register here: Google form

  • Scandem 2018, the 69th Annual Conference of the Nordic Microscopy Society: Danish Bioimaging Network organizes 2 sessions: Live imaging of single cells and Imaging multicellular systems, DTU, Kg. Lyngby, DENMARK, June 25-28, 2018. (abstract submission deadline is 30.03.2018)


Danish Bioimaging network travel grant for participation in Cross institutional Bioimaging PhD course

Danish Bioimaging network offers one travel grant for a participation in the  Cross-institutional Bioimaging PhD course. The course will give students a unique opportunity of orienting themselves within an active and diverse field of interdisciplinary science within bioimaging. If you want to participate in the course, there are still few places available, deadline for the registration is 15th of January 2018.

To apply for the travel grant, please submit your motivation letter to vita(at)sdu.dk no later than January 10th 2018. In the letter you should write why the course is important for you and for your project, the economical justification and the name of you supervisor. Max length 0.5 A4 page. The application should be sent to me and CCed to your supervisor.

The maximum amount is 3600 DK.

DBI Open Call 2017/18 – Apply Here For Financial Support

Danish BioImaging has allocated 50.000 DKK to promote interactions between network members by supporting activities that

  • aim at the exchange of knowledge and skills between DBI members (visits to other groups/facilities to learn new applications).
  • strengthen bioimaging in Denmark (courses for Master/PhD students, seminars, workshops, etc.).

Applications are welcome for 3.000 – 10.000 DKK. In order to apply, please send a short activity description, activity budget and dates (all together not more than 2 A4-pages) to cprats [at] sund [dot] ku [dot] dk.